AWS Group

About AWS Group

AWS Group is a division of Hawkins Watts Limited, we're an innovative New Zealand company leading the way in sustainable specialised pathogen control. From the outset we have challenged industry dependence on traditional chemistry, some of which, while effective, is harsh and not always safe to use. Our aim is to deliver more powerful but safer alternatives, replacing toxic and harmful chemistry whilst still delivering on efficacy.

We offer a wide range of innovative products, several are connected to our patented Envirolyte® technology which generates ANK Neutral Anolyte, a powerful yet benign sanitiser and disinfectant, which can be used on hard surfaces, fogged or as water treatment.

Used as directed ANK Neutral Anolyte is very effective against a wide range of pathogens such as bacteria, yeasts, moulds, fungus, mildews including Listeria, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli, Coliforms, Legionella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis Candida and many more.

Service is key to our business and underpins our long-term partnerships with many of New Zealand's leading industry players. Every solution is better when backed by ongoing support and service.

Contact Info

Name: Richard Hanna & Marvin Smith
Phone: ‭
09 622 4601‬
AWS Group, 43 Maurice Road, Penrose, Auckland 1061, New Zealand
Envirolyte® Generator Units, Industrial Green & Conventional Chemistry Series (including; ANK Neutral Anolyte, FarmSan, Q-Bond Plus), Foodservice & Facilities Range, Industrial Sanitation Equipment (including; Fogging Units, Fillers, Dispensing Systems etc).
Services: Contract Manufacturing, Contract Packing, Chemical Site Evaluations, Chemical Usage, Handling & Storage training.