Cuddon Freeze Dry
About Cuddon Freeze Dry
Cuddon Freeze Dry products are the benchmark for quality in sublimation solutions. With over 50 years' experience, our products are highly respected around the world supported by our process design, technical support, technical support, onsite installation and turn-key project management.
Clients expect quality and support when looking at freeze drying and because we manufacture in-house, we are able to build to your specification.
We understard Freeze Dry and how to integrate into your systems and factory process helping make the transition as seamless as possible.
Contact Info
Name: Blair Kibblewhite
Title: Manager
Phone: 03 578 4299
Email: blairk@cuddon.co.nz
Address: Cuddon Ltd, 16-24 McArtney Street, Blenheim 7201, New Zealand