Rettenmaier New Zealand Limited

About Rettenmaier New Zealand Limited

JRS Fibre – The superfood for your furry friends!

 At JRS, we have been making high-quality functional fibre from plant and marine based ingredients for humans and pets for more than 60 years. Today, we are a global expert in animal nutrition solutions that are natural, healthy and sustainable. Our long history producing high quality and nutritious fibre ingredients has provided an edge in producing premium natural ingredients that pet food manufacturers can trust.

Digestive Care + Stool Quality, Reduced Faecal Quantity, Hairball Control, Supports Weight Management, Improved Dental Health, Functional attributes, Reduced Breakage, Increased Yield, Faster Drying Time, Improved Kibble Quality, High Water Binding, Texture Enhancement, Better Oil Binding, High Meat Inclusion

Contact Info

Name: Julie Thomas
021 284 4154
Rettenmaier New Zealand Limited, C/- GVW Accounting Ltd, Level 1, 109 Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND