Swift & Company Trade Group
About Swift & Company Trade Group
Swift & Company Trade Group (Div of JBS) is dedicated to providing high-quality raw material solutions to Pet food manufacturers so that our pets get the very best product.
With established suppliers located across the globe, our extensive network means we can provide you with the quality you need, when you need it, at the best price. This includes toxin-free Human and Pet food grade Beef, Sheep, Pork, Poultry, Fish, Goat, Game meat & offal from many origins.
When you buy or sell with Swift Trade, you access a global range of protein solutions without the risk associated with international trade. We specialize in managing the procurement process, offering market access, and completing financial transactions as well as organising the logistic components of international trade.
Contact Info
Name: Ben Hardy
Phone: +61439536-112
Email: BHardy@swifttrade.com.au
Address: Swift & Company Trade Group, Level 3, 15 Astor Terrace, Brisbane 4000, Queensland, Australia